KEYWORDS: love, law, marriage, law of love, god, lord

Art of War, The--Part 6--Letter Links 2: Living the Law of Love: Not Just Sex

April 21, 2006

FD/MM/FM March 2006


[ ] "Our Declaration of Love," ML #607:1–14, Vol.5

[ ] "Our Beliefs Concerning the Lord's Law of Love," ML #2858:2, 4, 5‚ Vol.20

[ ] "An Answer To Him That Asketh Us," ML #3016:41-44‚ Vol.22

[ ] "Goals for 1998," ML #3160:77-84‚ 165-173, Vol.24

[ ] "Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 1," ML #3201:1-2, 5, 10-31, Vol.25

[ ] "Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 2," ML #3202:3-31, 42-51‚ 67, Vol.25

[ ] "Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 11," ML #3211:18-22, 24‚ 100, 102-105, 108-122, 124-126, Vol.25

[ ] "A Plea from the Cathars," ML #3259:61-63, GN 860

"Our Declaration of Love," ML #607:1-14, Vol.5

1. WE BELIEVE IN LOVE! Love for God and others, for "God is Love"! (1Jn.4:8) That's our religion—Love!

2. LOVE IS EVERYTHING, FOR WITHOUT LOVE THERE IS NOTHING!—No friends, no families, no fathers or mothers or children or sex or health or happiness or God or Heaven—there could be none of these without Love! And none of these is possible without God, for He is Love!

3. THIS IS THE SOLUTION TO ALL OF THE PROBLEMS OF TODAY AS WELL AS TO THE PROBLEMS OF THE PAST: LOVE!—True love, the Love of God and the love of fellowman!—This spirit of God's divine Love which helps us all to fulfill His Great Commandment to love one another! This is still God's solution, even in such a complex and confused and highly complicated society as that of the world today!

4. FOR IT IS MAN'S REJECTION OF THE LOVE OF GOD AND HIS LOVING LAWS THAT CAUSES HIM TO BE SELFISH and unloving and vicious and cruel and unkind to each other, man's inhumanity to man which is so apparent in today's weary world with all of its enslavement by oppression, tyranny and exploitation, robbery by the rich, suffering from hunger, malnutrition‚ disease‚ ill health‚ overwork, evil abuse‚ the tortures of war and nightmares of perpetual fearful insecurity.

5. ALL OF THESE EVILS ARE CAUSED BY MEN'S LACK OF LOVE FOR GOD AND EACH OTHER and their defiance of His laws of love and faith and peace and harmony with Him, each other and His whole Creation. "For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God Whom he hath not seen?" (1Jn.4:20)

6. IT'S REALLY JUST THAT SIMPLE: IF WE LOVE GOD, WE CAN LOVE EACH OTHER! We could then follow His rules of life, liberty‚ and the possession of happiness, and all would be well and happy in Him!

7. THIS IS WHY JESUS SAID THE FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT IS TO LOVE—to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind ... and the second is like unto it," it's almost equal—almost the same, "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." (Matt.22:36-40)

8. Those He was speaking to then asked Him, "WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?" And with the story of the Good Samaritan‚ He tried to show them that it is anyone who needs our help, regardless, of their race, creed, color, nationality, or condition!

9. FOR IF WE HAVE REAL LOVE, WE CAN'T FACE A NEEDY SITUATION WITHOUT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We can't just pass by the poor man on the road to Jericho! We must take action like the Samaritan did! (See Lk.10:25-37.) The Church System today says, "Oh, I'm so sorry, how sad!" But compassion must be put into action! That's the difference between pity and compassion: Pity just feels sorry; compassion does something about it!

10. WE MUST DEMONSTRATE OUR FAITH BY OUR WORKS, and love can seldom be proven without tangible manifestation in action. To say you love someone and yet not try to help them physically in whatever way they may need—food, clothing, shelter, and so on—this is not love! True, the need for real love is a spiritual need‚ but it must be manifested physically in works—"faith which worketh by love"! (Gal.5:6)

11. FOR "WHOSO HATH THIS WORLD'S GOODS, AND SEETH HIS BROTHER HAVE NEED, AND SHUTTETH UP HIS BOWELS OF COMPASSION FROM HIM, HOW DWELLETH THE LOVE OF GOD IN HIM? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth!" (1Jn.3:17‚18)

12. HOWEVER, WE FEEL THAT THE GREATEST MANIFESTATION OF OUR LOVE IS NOT THE MERE SHARING OF OUR MATERIAL THINGS AND PERSONAL POSSESSIONS, BUT THE SHARING OF OURSELVES AND OUR PERSONAL SERVICES FOR OTHERS, which is our faith, and which results in our works and the sharing of our material possessions. Jesus Himself had nothing material to share with His disciples, only His love and His life, which He gave for them and for us, that we too might have life and love forever!

13. FOR "GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN THAN THIS, THAT A MAN LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS!" (Jn.15:13) So we consider that the sharing of ourselves, our love and our life with others, is the greatest of all sharing and our ultimate goal‚ as well as our present means to that end.

14. IN FACT, THIS IS WHY GOD CREATED MAN TO BEGIN WITH: TO LOVE—to love and enjoy Him forever and to try to help others to do the same!

"Our Beliefs Concerning the Lord's Law of Love," ML #2858:2, 4, 5, Vol.20

2. (Peter:) The Lord's Law of Love is a big subject. Generally speaking, the Law of Love is the godly principle by which our entire lives, as Christians, should be governed. Jesus summed it up very simply in the famous "Golden Rule," giving us the key to our relationships with others: "As ye would that men should do to you‚ do ye even so to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets" (meaning that loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills God's Laws.—Such love is the "Law and the Prophets" [Mat.7:12]). Ideally‚ this loving principle should guide all of our actions with others.

4. As you know, Dad has written dozens of Letters showing from the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles that for the believer in Jesus, God's only law is love. One of the key passages on the Law of Love in the New Testament is found in Matthew Chapter 22, where the religious leaders questioned Jesus, "Master, which is the great commandment in the Law?" (v.36). Jesus answered them‚ "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (v.37-39).

5. Jesus proceeded to shock these Pharisees—whose entire religion was built on their attempts to keep the thousands of laws‚ ordinances and traditions of their Jewish religion—by telling them that these two simple commandments summed up all the other commandments of the entire Old Testament!—That Love was God's Law!—That if you love, you are fulfilling all the laws of God! He proclaimed, "On these two commandments (to love God and your neighbor) hang all the Law and the Prophets!" (v.40).

"An Answer To Him That Asketh Us," ML #3016:41-44, Vol.22

41. (Mama:) Many of those outside the Family misunderstand the Law of Love. They strongly criticize it, and think it deals only with sex. They don't seem to understand that this principle governs more than just our sex lives, it governs every aspect of our lives. Back in 1977 Dad said that the Law of Love was the foundation principle of our entire religion‚ not just of our sex lives. In fact, he said that this belief in the grace of God given through the Law of Love was the cornerstone of every Christian's religion. He wrote:

42. "We believe Jesus is the Son of God, a sort of picture of God Himself, and in His salvation through His Law of Love! When Jesus came, He abolished all other laws but Love! He gave only one law which fulfills all the laws of the Bible, both old and new, and that is Love!—For God and fellow man!

43. "This is our specific religion and the religion of every Christian who truly believes in the Love of God in Jesus and the Bible! We are Christians and we believe in the religion of Jesus Christ, His Law of Love! We believe in the Bible, God, Jesus and Love—because God is Love! (1John 4:8). Jesus preached Love‚ and when asked what the greatest law was, He said God's only law now was Love. 'Love God ... and love thy neighbor as thyself! ... In these are all the law and all the prophets!' (Matthew 22:37-40)." (From "Our Answers to the Daily News!" ML #633, 11/77.)

44. We've made it quite clear in the Charter that the basis of our beliefs regarding the Law of Love are the above Words of Jesus. These Scriptures are the foundation for our Law of Love doctrine, just as they are the basis for all other Christians' faith. We try to apply the Law of Love to all of our actions, and try to show love and kindness in all we do.

"Goals for 1998," ML #3160:77-84, 165-173‚ Vol.24

77. (Peter:) The two greatest commandments are to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. (See Mark 12:30,31.) … He said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples‚ if you have love one for another" (Jn.13:35).

78. Love is the lifeblood of the Family. Love is the foundation, the cornerstone. Love is what the Family should be known for. Our love for one another should be like a soft, warm, cozy blanket that wraps gently around each one of us, in which we find comfort and security, peace and understanding.

79. Unfortunately, and I'm sorry to have to say this, one of the areas that the Family generally has fallen sadly short in is that simple, unconditional, brotherly love that "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things," the type that "never fails" and that "puts away any childish things" that divide you from others (1Cor.13). I'm talking about the kind of love that understands, forgives‚ and reaches out a helping hand to love without partiality. The kind of love that loves the unlovely, looks past one another's faults and shortcomings, sees the Lord in others, and sees each individual as someone who's given their heart and life to Jesus and the Family, someone who deserves to be accepted‚ nurtured‚ cared for, and loved.

80. As the Lord has told us before, we can be Jesus for one another. (See ML #3032:76-95‚ GN 664.) We can be the manifestation of His love. The concern, sympathy, affection, patience, faith, understanding and love that we show for another may be the very thing that will give that person the faith, courage and strength to keep going, to fight on, and to win the victory.

81. Jesus said, "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto Me" (Mat.25:40). So Mama and I ask each of you—have you been Jesus for your brethren? Have you treated the least of these as you would treat Jesus? Have you been the example of the Lord's love that He wants you to be?

82. How about if we set as a general overall goal to love one another more—to do unto others as we would have them do unto us, to be Jesus for our brethren, to let the Lord's love shine through us more, and be manifested in more forgiveness, understanding, communication, sharing, support‚ sympathy, affection, and practical, loving, caring action!

83. Let's give of our time, be a listening ear, and open our hearts, our beds and our lives to others. Let's be swift to forgive and forget. Let's do our best to share our worldly possessions, love others' children as if they were our own‚ and be our brother's keeper. Let's not hold back the simple affection that so wonderfully communicates the Lord's love. Let's try with all our hearts to set a good example, be a strong shoulder to lean on or cry on, and be a sample of the Lord's unconditional love. Let's not jump to conclusions or judge unfairly, but instead give the benefit of the doubt to those who are struggling. Let's bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Love!

84. We, the Family‚ beginning way back in the early days, used to be known for our love. In fact, many people joined the Family simply because of love. For the first time in their lives they felt real, tangible, forgiving, unconditional love. Can this still be said of you and your Home? Are you known for your love? If not, then for the future of the Family and your Home and your own personal service for the Lord, Mama and I ask you to please open your heart and see the need to learn to love again, to be Jesus for others. Let this be one of your personal goals.

165. (Jesus:) One of the foundation principles that I've given to the children of David through their father is the Law of Love. This is a unique and precious treasure that few understand, and even fewer have ever tried to live. The message of the Law of Love is one of the things that has set the children of David apart from others who believe in Me, and even serve Me, preach the Gospel, hear from Me in prophecy, exercise the gift of healing, and believe in the nearness of the Endtime.

166. So very, very few Christians understand‚ believe, and are willing to accept to live My Law of Love fully.

167. Many of My Christian children in the world have given Me their hearts in part, their lives in part, their service in part, their testimony in part. But so very few have been willing to give Me everything—even their marriages‚ their bodies, and their sexual practices. They're so foolish, so weak and immature. Just like little children, they have so little faith, and so they keep these things to themselves.

168. But the children of David are strong in truth. Much has been given to them that has not been given to any others. But there is much confusion, many unanswered questions, much negative talking behind closed doors—doubts, murmurs, accusations against this beautiful Law of Love which I have given to the children of David.

169. Many of the younger generation do not understand, and they've made other commitments and what they consider "moral decisions" that are not based on My Word. They see what they consider the mistakes of the past and of the first generation, and they've determined in their hearts that they will not be guilty of the same; yet they're foolish in that they have thrown the baby out with the bath water.

170. They've become blinded to the beauty and the good of sharing with others under the Law of Love because they've dwelt solely on the negative and listened to the lies of the Enemy. They've become confused and deceived. They need to be instructed with the pure water of My Word‚ and to be strengthened in the meat of My Word, that they might accept‚ believe, receive, and live the truth that has been entrusted into their care.

171. Many of those of the first generation have also become embittered due to past experiences, or they've become lazy and indifferent to living the Law of Love fully. They too need to be challenged, for it is through living the Law of Love fully that the living of the "One Wife" vision is possible. Without strong belief in the Law of Love and understanding of it, how can you believe and understand the "One Wife" vision, the truth of your greater marriage? Therefore much reassurance, instruction, encouragement, and a strong challenge needs to go out to both generations to once again kindle in their hearts and minds faith in the Law of Love and a desire to live the "One Wife" vision.

172. So much of what hinders the unity of the Family today is because of a lack of living the Law of Love and the "One Wife" vision fully. If there were greater love, concern, and faith in these areas, then there would also be greater care for the single mothers and their children‚ greater sexual freedom, less ostracizing of some‚ and fewer cliques. There would be a much greater willingness to love without partiality, to help each person to feel a part of the Family, the Home, the love, the unity, the oneness.

173. It's so very important that each of My children feels needed. This is such an important aspect of unity, because it is the source of much personal happiness in the lives of each of My children—the feeling that you belong, that you're needed, that someone cares, that your gifts or talents or contributions are worthwhile. (End of excerpt of message.)

"Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 1," ML #3201:1-2, 5, 10-31, Vol.25

1. (Mama: ) As the Law of Love deals with virtually every aspect of our lives—our physical lives‚ our spiritual lives, our daily interaction with others, our sexual activities, our ministries and much more—it's a huge subject to talk with you about. But talk about it we must if we are going to make the progress that the Lord is asking us to make.

2. In order to live the Law of Love fully, it's first necessary to understand it.

5. The Law of Love means a lot more than just sex; it's the loving principle that governs all our daily activities.

10. Let's start first with trying to define the Law of Love. In the Letter "Our Beliefs Concerning the Lord's Law of Love‚" the following definition was given:

11. Generally speaking, the Law of Love is the godly principle by which our entire lives, as Christians, should be governed. Jesus summed it up very simply in the famous "Golden Rule," giving us the key to our relationships with others: "As you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets" (meaning that loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills God's laws.—Such love is the "law and the prophets" [Mat.7:12]). Ideally, this loving principle should guide all of our actions with others (ML #2858:2, Lifelines 21).

12. The Love Charter states that one of the responsibilities of Charter members is as follows: "Endeavor to live by the principles of the Law of Love: To love and care for, and interact lovingly and harmoniously with all members of the Home in which they reside, and with Family members at large." It goes on to say: "Dad succinctly explained the Law of Love in the following quote. 'Love doeth thy neighbor no harm,' for 'thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself': This is God's Law of Love! 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' 'Against such love there is no law.' This is the Lord's Law of Love. Obey it, and you can have total love, life and liberty in the Lord. These are God's conditions." (The Charter, Responsibilities of Individual Members, E.)

13. Living the Law of Love is simply living what Jesus said is the law, the great commandment—to love. "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets" (Mat.7:12). "Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets" (Mat.22:36-40). "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Gal.5:14).

14. This Law of Love that Jesus proclaimed—loving God first, and loving others as yourself—fulfills all the other Biblical law. It means that we are free from all the old Biblical law. For example, if you love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, then you won't put other gods before Him, nor take His Name in vain. If you love your neighbor as yourself, you won't kill him, steal from him, lie to him, or covet what he has. And the reason you won't do these things is because of love. You don't need the Biblical law to keep you from doing these things; you simply refrain from doing them because to do them would be unloving. This freedom from the Biblical law, based on the Lord's instruction to govern ourselves by loving God above all and our neighbors as ourselves, is the whole concept of the Law of Love in a nutshell.

15. The reason I'm going into this in such detail is to help to clear up the confusion that the Law of Love only has to do with sex, as some seem to think. Yes, it does have to do with sex, … but it's not only about sex. I want to make sure you understand the point that when we talk about living the Law of Love, we're not only talking about the sexual aspect of it, but about all of it—about loving your brothers and sisters and putting that love into tangible, everyday action. It's about sacrificial living, giving of yourself to others, helping those in need, living in unity‚ and bearing one another's burdens.

16. When speaking about the Law of Love, the Lord said the following:

17. (Jesus: ) The Law of Love is simply loving others unselfishly, without regard for self. It's not only sexual, but it pervades every area of your lives. For in this unselfishness and in this life of sacrificial giving and loving, you not only allow yourselves to help many others, but you allow Me to pour out My blessings upon you. For I bless the unselfish and the sacrificial. I bless those who are humble‚ and I withdraw some of My blessings from those who insist on their own way.

18. Therefore, by your choosing this unselfish and sacrificial mode of living, which is called the Law of Love, you have opened yourselves up to great happiness from Me, and My blessing upon your lives. And this is not just sexual, for the sexual aspects are a small part of the Law of Love, and they are a small part of My blessings. They are a part of My blessings, but they are a very small part.

19. Sexuality is a minor part of your religion. It's a key part, because it's what arouses the most interest of outsiders and keeps My message in the news, but it's a small percentage of the many ways that people can show love to each other.

20. My Law of Love is first of all that you love Me with all your heart and soul and mind, and second that you love your neighbor as yourself. The greatest way My love is manifested is in the laying down of your life for another. It's in giving your life totally to Me so that I can use it to show My love to others. (End of message.)

21. (Mama:) In another prophecy the Lord said:

22. (Jesus:) Do not label My Law of Love as only sex, for there are so many other aspects that you must also be exercised in. You must learn the gift of encouragement. That is a very major part of My Law of Love. You must learn the gift of comfort, the gift of simplicity, the gift of preferring one another‚ the gift of doing a little extra for your brother, the gift of sympathy and compassion and of feeling the pain which others suffer. These are all part of the Law of Love. Therefore, while it may cost more to disrobe yourselves physically and share My love by having sex with each other, there are all these other aspects that are all part of loving one another. (End of message.)

23. (Mama: ) Sex is only one part of the Law of Love. It isn't even the major part. But because it's often the most difficult part, and because it's scandalous to the System‚ it's often the only thing that people think of when they hear about the Law of Love. But the Lord says that there is so much more to His Law of Love than sex!

24. The Law of Love is the guiding principle of our lives; it's what everything we do should be based on. The Lord says, "You must learn the gift of encouragement. That's a very major part of My Law of Love." And what about comfort, simplicity‚ preferring one another‚ doing a little extra for your brother or sister, sympathy‚ compassion, and feeling the pain which others suffer? These are all important parts of the Law of Love as well.

25. So when the Lord, at this year's Feast, said the Family needed to live the Law of Love more, He wasn't only talking about the sexual aspect of it. He was talking about the totality of it—living in love and harmony with one another, doing no harm to your neighbor, loving your neighbor as yourself—the full application of the Law of Love! He was, of course, also speaking about the sexual side.

26. Some of the confusion, however, about the Law of Love starts with the fact that we use the term "the Law of Love" interchangeably when talking about the totality of the Law of Love and also in the specific or narrow sense of the sexual side of it. As soon as the Law of Love is mentioned, many people automatically think that it's talking about sex and sexual sharing‚ when that's often not the case.

27. Also, it's understandable that you would think in terms of sexual sharing when thinking of the Law of Love‚ since Dad used this term repeatedly when presenting the Scriptural argument for FFing, sharing and sexual freedom. He showed from the Gospels of Jesus and the Epistles of Paul that through Jesus' death and resurrection, through His salvation and grace, we are free from the Mosaic Law, and as such are free from the sin of adultery, providing our actions are done in love and harm no one. The law which Jesus gave when He said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Mat.22:39), Dad called the Law of Love.

28. Because the term "the Law of Love" was often used in the Letters in regards to sexual matters, it eventually became synonymous with sexual sharing. However, Dad's usage of the phrase "the Law of Love" was not limited to just sexual matters. In fact, when Peter was researching this point on the ARC he found that in the majority of the Letters where Dad used the phrase, it was not in reference to sex, FFing or sharing. In 65% of the Letters where Dad or I have used this term, it was not in reference to sexual matters! In two out of every three Letters where this term is used, it's talking about something other than sex.

29. Just for your interest, I'll include some of the topics Dad was talking about when he used the term the Law of Love: The Millennium‚ economic inflation, health rules, rebellion against God, Jesus' new unorthodox movement, the judgment seat of God, paying your bills, getting out of the West, love for God, tithing, forsaking all, exercise and get-out, being on time for appointments, Homes fellowshipping together, dishonesty‚ shoplifting, salvation, Jesus standing before Pilate, Stephen's martyrdom, Christmas‚ God's covenants, excommunication, the good Samaritan, Jesus' Second Coming, System parents, Millennial rebels, witnessing‚ teenagers‚ parents, the Word, misunderstandings, not working so hard, counseling others, bearing the burdens of others, the Charter, and helping single moms.

30. Of course, if you were to look at the sum total of the times Dad used the term "the Law of Love‚" then a fairly large percentage of the times would be in regards to sexual sharing‚ because in some of the Letters explaining either FFing or the Scriptural basis for the Law of Love, he mentioned the term over and over. But by researching the number of Letters (not the number of times) that Dad used this term, we discovered that he only used it in reference to sex in one out of every three Letters. Seeing it in that light, it becomes clear that Dad's perspective of the Law of Love, both intellectually and practically, was that it was much more than just a sexual concept.

31. It would do us all good to try to follow in Dad's footsteps and broaden our perception of the Law of Love so we remember that it isn't only about sex and sharing; it's about every aspect of our lives, including the sexual aspect.

"Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 2," ML #3202:3–31, 42-51, 67, Vol.25

3. (Mama:) In order to truly live the totality of Jesus' only law and live together in loving harmony and partake of the freedom of sexual sharing, it's imperative that we all grasp the essence of it, that we understand the heart and spirit of the Law of Love. I want to share more from Dad's Letters‚ so you can hear what he originally had to say about these things, in the hopes that you will be reminded of the loving spirit in which Dad presented the Law of Love and the sexual freedoms allowed within it.

4. As you read these quotes, remember that Dad wasn't only talking about sex and a sexual need, he was also talking about the other needs that people have, such as the need for friendship‚ understanding, support, respect, and the need to be listened to and to feel needed and important. Please apply the following counsel to all aspects of your service to the Lord and others.

5. Here are several quotes from Dad on the sacrificial love of God:

6. Let me emphasize here that the preeminent requisite for anyone in the Revolution must be the same driving passion which motivated the Apostle Paul and all the Apostles and all the martyrs and every great man or woman of God!—In fact, that irresistible compassion which should motivate every child of God in everything you do, everything you say, everywhere you go, with everybody, and which that great fanatical Apostle summed up in these few famous and ringing words which have cried out from the heart of every true Christian in every true good deed he has ever done, and for which indeed he is willing to die: "The love of Christ constraineth us!" (2Cor.5:14).

7. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." "This commandment have we from Him‚ that he who loveth God love his brother also." "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments." "This is My commandment‚ that ye love one another, as I have loved you" (1Jn.4:11,21; 1Jn.5:2; Jn.15:12).

8. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." "Hereby perceive we the love of God: because He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." "Love one another as I have loved you. … By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples" (Jn.3:16; 1Jn.3:16; Jn.15:13; Jn.13:34,35). (ML #151:46-49).

9. If we have real love, we can't face a needy situation without doing something about it. We can't just pass by the poor man on the road to Jericho! We must take action like the Samaritan did! (See Luk.10:25-37.) The Church System today says, "Oh, I'm so sorry, how sad!" But compassion must be put into action! That's the difference between pity and compassion: Pity just feels sorry; compassion does something about it!

10. We must demonstrate our faith by our works, and love can seldom be proven without tangible manifestation in action. To say you love someone and yet not try to help them physically in whatever way they may need—food, clothing‚ shelter, and so on—this is not love! True, the need for real love is a spiritual need, but it must be manifested physically in works—"faith which worketh by love!" (Gal.5:6).

11. For "whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth!" (1Jn.3:17,18).

12. However, we feel that the greatest manifestation of our love is not the mere sharing of our material things and personal possessions, but the sharing of ourselves and our personal services for others, which is our faith, and which results in our works and the sharing of our material possessions. Jesus Himself had nothing material to share with His disciples, only His love and His life, which He gave for them and for us, that we too might have life and love forever!

13. For "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends!" (Jn.15:13). So we consider that the sharing of ourselves, our love, and our life with others‚ is the greatest of all sharing and our ultimate goal (ML #607:9-13).

14. "Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends." "Therefore we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." Are you willing to lay down your life—or even your wife—for a starving brother or a sister?

15. Are you willing to give till it hurts‚ even until it hurts you? Jesus did: He gave His life! God did: He gave His Son! David did: He said, "I will not give unto the Lord of that which hath cost me nothing!" He gave until it hurt! God gives His Wife, the Church, continually in loving service to others! She is constantly engaged in trying to woo and win the world!

16. Are you willing to give that much if needed? Are you willing to suffer to save others?—To offer your life or your wife or be offered as God's Wife or both? (ML #302C:18-20).

17. That's part of love too, to show'm love. The Bible says, if you've got it beside you and your brother needs it, you owe it to him (Jam.2:15,16; Pro.3:27,28). (ML #1941:25).

18. "From him that hath, according to his ability, unto him that hath not‚ according to his need."—That's the sharing principle of love—and the loving principle of sharing! (ML #833:41).

19. As the Apostle Saint James so clearly states in that passage in his second chapter‚ the 15th through the 17th verses: "If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food (a necessary physical need like sex), and one of you say unto them‚ Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead!" (Jam.2:15-17).

20. In other words‚ if in the faith of God you really love them, they cannot understand it or believe it unless you really show them by some visible, tangible work or action that puts your words into action and puts your faith into effect and makes it fact and not fiction, a sample not just a sermon! As even Jesus Himself said, "How can you say that you love Me and do not the things that I ask?" (Luk.6:46). (ML #502:21-23).

21. The first law is the law of love—unselfish love—love for Him and others. If you will obey that one and give that love which is His and their due, so shall you also receive. "For with what measure ye mete unto other men's bosoms‚ so shall they also mete unto your bosom" (Luk.6:38). (ML #250:44).

22. (Mama:) As you can see, Dad was clearly trying to make the point that we should walk in love in all that we do, that love should be the main motivating factor in our every action, and that our love should be manifested in tangible loving deeds which help to supply the needs of others. Dad was saying that when we see someone with a need, it is our duty, in love, to help supply that need. If we don't, how can God's love dwell in us? (See 1Jn.3:17‚18.)

23. When we see children in our Homes who need a father figure, or a single parent who needs help, or a troubled teen in need of a friend, or a large family who could use a hand with the kids, or someone who is overworked and needs rest, or a sick person who needs care, a lonely person who needs friendship, and, yes, someone who needs some sexual fellowship, we are bound by the law—the Law of Love—to do something about it. As Dad said, "The greatest manifestation of our love is not the mere sharing of our material things and personal possessions‚ but the sharing of ourselves and our personal services for others" (ML #607:12).

24. When you help that needy child or parent or overworked, sick, lonely or needy person, you are giving yourself to them in love; you are fulfilling Jesus' Law of Love. If you were sick or overworked, if you needed help with your children‚ if you needed some friendship or loving sex‚ wouldn't you want someone to give you the help you needed? "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets" (Mat.7:12).

25. The essence of the Law of Love, dear ones, is having enough love to do to others what you would want them to do to you; to have enough love to help those in need, whatever the need, just as you would want them to help you in your need; to put the needs of others above your own, even when it's a sacrifice for you to do so. That's love.

26. Try to remember this important principle of the Law of Love as you go about your day. If you see someone who needs help preparing lunch because they got a late start‚ pitch in to help for a few minutes. That's love. When you're getting ready to go witnessing and you see that your partner isn't ready because an unexpected phone call came that delayed him, instead of getting uptight, help him fold his lit and prepare his sandwiches for lunch. That's love.

27. When you know that someone is really battling, why not offer to help out with some of their home chores or duties so they can get some extra Word time? That's love. If you know someone is feeling left out, having battles because someone they were particularly close to moved on to another field, why not go out of your way to ask that person to go for a walk or listen to some music together or read some Word? That's love.

28. If one of the guys is a crummy basketball player, but he really likes to play—instead of making him feel embarrassed, or like a weight or a handicap on your team, try to encourage him, teach him, and praise him when he does well. That's love! When you're super-tired and looking forward to going to bed, but you see someone that you know is just as tired as you putting away a big pile of dinner dishes, why not lend a helping hand? That's love.

29. If you're planning to spend some time with your girlfriend, but your sister is really lonely and heartbroken because she just broke up with her boyfriend, why not invite her to join you for some fellowship, a snack, some ministry training time‚ etc. That's love. If your little brother just loves the new FTT but he doesn't have a Walkman‚ offer to lend him yours for the weekend. That's love.

30. If you as a married couple plan to take your kids on an outing on family day—for example, on a picnic at the park—why not invite a single mom and her kids in your Home or city to join you? She will greatly appreciate the help and fellowship, and will see the "One Wife" vision in action. That's love.

31. As Dad said, "'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' If you love your neighbor as yourself, you'll put yourself in his place, and wonder how you would feel if you were there, and wonder what you would want and need to have fulfilled, amen?" (ML #648:53‚54). This is what the Law of Love is all about—giving love, in deed and in truth‚ to those in need. That is why the Law of Love is the cornerstone of our Family, the basis of our whole way of life. And that is why when we get away from living the Law of Love, we have problems!

42. Living the Law of Love means consistently, sacrificially thinking of others and serving them. That's a tall order! It's so easy to be lazy, selfish, and self-centered; most of us are that way naturally. Our first reactions are usually about ourselves, what we want, what will make us happy. But if we ask the Lord to help us and we put forth a genuine effort, we can develop new habits and reactions, which, with time, will help us to become more loving, caring, sacrificial individuals.

43. The Lord understands that we don't naturally have enough love to live in the loving manner that He's asking us to‚ but as you'll see in the following message, that's no excuse. Just because we can't do it doesn't mean He doesn't expect us to, because He will do it for us and through us! He's promised that He can give us the love we need, that He will pour His love through us and make us new creatures!

44. (Jesus: ) What I ask of My children is a miracle—I ask for outgoing, sacrificial love. It's the nature of man to be self-preserving, self-seeking, self-satisfying. It's the nature of man to put his own needs and survival above others. But that is the way of the men of this world who know Me not. My children have a great advantage because I've broken those natural circuits. I've cut those wires and I've rewired their minds and hearts to do My bidding, which is to love others. What a marvelous testimony this is!

45. When I was with My disciples I said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another." In that day, this love was a great testimony; it drew much attention and caused a mighty widening of the eyes. But how much more so is this love a miracle in this day and age when people are completely consumed with themselves, their own wants, needs and desires. People have closed themselves off from loving sacrificially. Even marriages no longer have their foundation in unselfish love. There is such darkness, such misery!

46. But this lack of love only serves to make the love of My children shine more brightly! It's as a beacon of love, direction, miracles‚ power, strength! People cannot deny that such love is out of this world. They ask, "Where do you get such love? How can you live together? How do you do it?" Ah, such satisfaction it brings Me when My children are such a testimony of My love!

47. In this day and age there is an even greater need for love, because the hearts of men have grown terribly cold and hard. They are no longer sensitive to the gentle reflection of My Spirit—they need strong blasts of the red-hot, fiery, blazing power of My love in action! Only then, when it's as a huge, brilliant bonfire in their midst, will they notice, see and believe. For this reason I have set a challenge before the children of David to love more deeply, more sacrificially, more impartially.

48. I know this is far above your natural ability. It's out of your reach to find such love on your own. If you try to do this in your own strength‚ the arm of the flesh, you'll be disappointed, frustrated, and tire of such labor. But if you call out to Me‚ simply asking Me for the love you need‚ and are then willing to put that love into action by faith, I will give you My love in such tremendous volume and power that you will know you have witnessed a miracle!

49. It takes desperate prayer, a believing spirit, and a willing mind and heart. Then follow this with many small steps of unselfish love, and you will become a new creature. You will think of others‚ have more concern, and feel for others' needs more readily. You'll be willing to give up your own plans and ideas to care for the weak.

50. Love is action, love is doing, love is outgoing concern. But all of this must come from My hand if it is to last. I have such love for you! I'm waiting with a flood of love to pour out upon the children of David, if you will but ask‚ seek Me with desperate hearts, believe that this is possible, and then be willing to be made willing, available, sensitive lovers of others.

51. I am the God of miracles, and I will give you this miracle of love. I want to give you this new anointing of love, which is synonymous with My power, My face, My person. I am Love, and you can have more of Me than you've ever had before. Ask and you will receive! (End of message.)

67. (Jesus: ) My Family, My children of David, have been blessed with the Law of Love. They've been blessed with deep truths of My Spirit and a great knowledge of My spiritual principles and how they operate. They've been blessed with an understanding of how I work, how I bless, how I reward giving, unselfishness, and sacrifice. Therefore you, My Family, are accountable to live My Law of Love, to fulfill the obligation of love‚ to live in love and kindness one toward another. Be assured that these principles of My Word are true, and that I will bless love, giving, and faith; and that I will not reward selfishness. (End of message.)

"Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 11‚" ML #3211:18-22‚ 24, 100, 102-105, 108-122, 124–126, Vol.25

18. (Jesus: ) At this time I am engineering a major move toward unity. My Spirit is sweeping through the ranks and pulling all the children of David of all ages into a greater circle of unity, fellowship and closeness of heart‚ mind, and spirit. Living the sexual sharing aspect of the Law of Love is one part of this unity that I seek. But the unity overall—the unity between the younger ones and the older ones, between those of the same generation, between the older children and the younger children, between those who are single and those who are married, between those who are childless and those who have children, is all part of the great plan that I am putting into effect.

19. To live the Law of Love sexually is not the only side and the only message, and that is not the only goal that I am pursuing. For I lead My Family to live the Law of Love fully, to live all aspects of My Law of Love. My ultimate goal, the final end result that I am seeking, is the total unity of My Bride, the complete oneness of the children of David, both among and between the generations, and regardless of their ministry, their gender, their nationality, their personal situation or their marital status. I am seeking total unity, the ultimate fulfillment of the "One Wife" vision given by your Father David.

20. Living the Law of Love is what needs to be done. It is a great and magnificent solution, a mighty move of My Spirit! It is put forth through powerful Words of truth and revelation. It is the fruit of the conviction, desperation and yieldedness of the king and queen, and it will bring forth great fruit. But this in itself is not the only message. It is not the only goal, or the ultimate goal. As I said before‚ the ultimate fulfillment of My plan is the perfection and completion of the "One Wife" vision.

21. Living the Law of Love is not something on its own, separate from the fulfillment of the "One Wife" vision; it is part of it. It goes hand in hand, for you cannot have one without the other. As My Family lives the Law of Love fully, in every aspect, the totality of My Bride will come at last. They will become My total Bride, My One Wife, prepared and adorned to meet her Bridegroom. (End of message.)

22. (Mama:) The ultimate goal the Lord is seeking isn't just the sexual sharing; that's just part of the picture. The overall goal, the "big picture," is the uniting of the whole Family in our greater marriage in spirit, which would involve not only the sexual sharing, but also the other aspects of living the Law of Love and the "One Wife" vision.

24. It's time to broaden our vision and our perspective. Now the Lord wants us to see that living the Law of Love in its entirety, while it is very important and a major move of the Spirit and very needed, is only part of what He's doing. It leads to and is part of His ultimate goal‚ the marriage in spirit of all the children of David!

100. (Dad: ) When you want to apply the "One Wife" vision in practical terms, just think of the things you would do in a private marriage—being loving, considerate, kind, supportive, comforting, caring, sharing‚ and so forth—and try to put that into practice as much as possible between you and all of your mates in your greater marriage. The way to put the greater marriage of the children of David into practice is all around, as much as possible, in the different areas of your lives.

102. Remember, folks, although the Lord has given you the liberty to share sexually and to love each other in the bed of love, and this is wonderful and liberating and has many, many pros to it‚ sexual sharing is still only a small part of marriage. This marriage is all about real, true married love and is manifested in much broader terms than mere sex, emotions, love relationships, and in–love feelings.

103. With your greater marriage, the Lord wants you to live your married love. What's a marriage but a union? It's a uniting together. It's becoming one. So the best way everyone can begin to apply this marriage in practical terms is by living and putting into practice real, true married love, and getting it together as one Family, one wife.

104. Look at each other as individuals. Look at the other as that person you love, that mate that you need, that part of you that you cannot live without, because one cannot do without the other. Look at each other as someone who has something to contribute. (See 1Cor.12:12-25.)

105. Sex is really a very small part of a marriage—only about 2% or so. It's a very small portion compared to all the other factors that go into a marriage and into making it work. Sure, there will be relationships developing due to this greater marriage. There will be all sorts of relationships and degrees of emotion and love, and they won't always be the same. But just because there will be relationships and greater freedom sexually than has been practiced in recent years in the Family, nonetheless, all this should not dominate or be the main goal or thrust of the marriage of the children of David.

108. To have a fruitful marriage, all the necessary ingredients—love, communication, prayerfulness, consideration and sex—have got to work together‚ because a false balance is not pleasing in the Lord's sight.

109. What is marriage? It's a union, a uniting, becoming one. It's being together, acting together, and doing things together. So looking for ways to do more things unitedly and together when possible would be a good start.

110. Marriage is understanding. It's being blind to the faults of the other. It's being considerate in every way—considerate of the other's time, of their feelings, of their wants and desires. Marriage is caring. It's being concerned. It's going out of your way to make sure the other person is well cared for and has their needs met. Marriage is kindness. It's kind words and putting those words into action.

111. Marriage is support. It's supporting your mates in their ministries, in their endeavors, in their projects, in their battles and trials. It's supporting them with your prayers and with your actions. It's going out of your way to help them if you can—to give them moral support, physical support‚ prayer support, all-around support. It's cheering them on and encouraging them when they feel down. Marriage is stooping to lift the other. It's being strong when the other is weak. It's caring for the sick and comforting the lonely.

112. Marriage is protection. It's protecting your mates from harm or danger by not making unwise moves, by keeping good security. It's protecting the other's feelings with kind words and deeds and actions. Marriage is provision. It's doing your part to make sure the other has their needs met. It's pulling your share of the load. Marriage is hard work day after day. It's going out of your way to meet the needs of each of your mates in whatever way you can, even if you don't feel like it. Marriage is lending a helping hand.

113. Marriage is sacrifice. It's sacrificing yourself for the benefit of the other. It's being ready to give up your own ideas or desires to make your mates happy. Marriage is giving of yourself. Marriage is yielding, bending, melting together. Marriage is going out of your way. It's preferring the happiness of another to your own.

114. Marriage is stepping out and trying new things, even if you think you might not like them. Marriage is learning from one another. It's give and take on both sides. Marriage is taking turns. It's not one–sided. Marriage is submission. It's giving the other person a chance. Marriage is living and loving and helping one another.

115. Marriage is being open-minded. Marriage is willingness—being willing to sacrifice. It's eagerness to lay down your life for the ones you love. Marriage is walking a mile in another's shoes. It's compassion. Marriage is fellowship—doing things together, being together. Marriage is companionship and friendship. Marriage is listening and understanding.

116. Married love stands through thick and thin, no matter how hot the trials or how hard the test. True married love never gives up hope for the other. It's always there, always dependable, always ready with outstretched hands and open arms to take the other in—to love‚ to comfort, to hold, and to cherish. Marriage stands through the bad times as well as the good times. Marriage is learning how to let it pass.

117. Marriage is honesty and good communication. It's being willing to share your heart and your thoughts in all humility. Marriage is as sharing as possible, as equal as possible. Man does not see equality as the Lord sees it. In the Lord's eyes‚ "equality" is everyone having their needs met. It's no one being left out, overlooked or forgotten. The marriage of the children of David should reach out and draw a circle to bring all your mates in.

118. Marriage is talking, communicating, praying, discussing, sharing ideas and agreeing together. Marriage does not let things build up between you by ignoring them, but it finds a way; it creates solutions. Marriage is joining hand in hand, heart to heart. It's standing shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm. Marriage is faith. It's all about faith—faith in Jesus and faith in each other. Marriage is confidence in your mates.

119. Marriage is discovery. It's discovering each other, learning about each other and all the funny things you say and do. Marriage is a good sense of humor. It's relaxing together, enjoying each other.

120. Marriage is accepting others for what they are. Marriage is coming to the realization that you are not complete without your other members. Marriage is respect. It's respect for the other—their talents, their anointing‚ their time.

121. Marriage is humbling. It's doing the humble thing. It's self-sacrifice. It's giving and giving and giving again. It's meeting the needs of the others first, before your own. Marriage can be plain old hard work! Marriage can be the most satisfying and strengthening experience you will ever have.

122. Just think of all the things that a marriage is, and then apply it to your mates in your greater marriage, those who you live and work with. Live together, love together, be helpmeets to each other. Go out of your way to love your mates—the ones He has put in your care.

124. Marriage is taking action! It's taking action to show love throughout the day in whatever way you can. It's making a conscious‚ outright effort to put into action all of these ways to make it work. To make this marriage work, everyone has to do their part and take action! Do something to progress each and every day to move toward greater unity‚ greater togetherness, and greater love.

125. Marriage takes time—it's a process of learning and loving. And remember, folks, if you want this living the "One Wife" vision to work and be successful, marriage is a matter of being the right person rather than trying to find the right person or trying to change others to be what you think they should be. That's the key to success. If each of you will determine in your heart right now that you want to make this work, if you will stop and pray and make a commitment to the Lord that with His help and by His grace you are going to try to be the right person‚ then that's the victory right there! Because once each of you determines this, once you make the decision in your heart and mind and spirit that you want to do it, you want to try, and you want to do all within your power to make it work, then the Lord will do the rest! You do all you can and God will do the rest!

126. As each of you strives for this, to be the right person for each of your mates, everything is going to work out just fine. Hallelujah! What a marriage—the greater marriage of the children of David! This is supernatural! It's divine! It's going to cause a mighty roar, a mighty wave, and the repercussions are going to sweep the nations and rock the Earth! This is a marriage with a purpose, a marriage made in Heaven! Hallelujah!

"A Plea from the Cathars," ML #3259:61-63, GN 860

61. (Jesus: ) The Cathars' main testimony to the System of their day was their free love and spirit. They loved each other, they cared for each other, and they loved Me. This was their strength, and they seek to share the special treasure and freedoms they were given with you too. But that doesn't mean that hearing from Me in prophecy or other things that they didn't specifically mention that I have shown you are not important or are now less important.

62. Living the Law of Love, which is the main message they are proclaiming, includes all things in the life of a true Christian. The Law of Love is the basic guideline and standard by which each of you should live, and if you do, then you will be fulfilling all the law and the prophets. You will preach the Gospel out of love for lost souls. You will help those in need. You will give love to those who are lonely and destitute. You will hear from Me and confirm My will, so that you are able to perform that which I would have you to do, and so that you hurt no one through unwise or unloving actions. And on the list goes.

63. So you see, My children, the Law of Love covers everything. It does not focus only on sexual sharing or that side of the freedoms you've been given. It is all-inclusive, all-encompassing. It presides over all things. So endeavor to live My Law of Love and you will receive tremendous blessings. (End of message.)

Copyright © 2006 by The Family International